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A Sign of the Times

The Stewart Signs Blog

We strive to provide you the most relevant and timely industry news, product videos, tips on sign usage and care, and more.
Read more about how the right sign can positively impact your organization!

Every organization has advertising needs. Granted, your church or school needs are much different from those of businesses, but that doesn't mean you don't have certain things you need to announce to the community. "Advertisement" in its traditional sense, implies a company is trying to sell a product or service.

Whether you run a church, a school, or another type of company, you too will need to look at how your advertising approach affects today's 20- and early 30-somethings. This can be challenging, largely because millennials are the first group of people who have grown up in an era filled with digital stimulation. Millennials are the first generation of folks to be afforded the luxury of having any information they could desire at their fingertips.

If you have an outdoor digital LED sign - or if you've been thinking about getting one - this is going to be a great article for you! In order to provoke engagement from people passing by, you'll need two key elements: content and form. We've compiled ten tips to assist you in your journey to getting effective results from your  outdoor digital LED sign.

When it comes to shopping for digital signage, the process can seem a little overwhelming at first. It's a big investment, and you want to make sure you're picking the product that works best for your business, church, or organization. But how do you know what's best if you don't know what options are out there?

Stewart Signs will be hosting a booth at the TASA/TASB Convention in Austin on September 28–30, 2018 at the Austin Convention Center. Hosted by the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), the event is designed to produce a transformative experience for school board members, administrators, and other school leaders in a way that ultimately improves education and leadership at Texas public schools. Annually, the event draws in 1,000 administrators and over 5,000 school board members and guests, and as an exhibitor, our goal is to help school leaders learn how to make the most of their school signs.

Stewart Signs will proudly be hosting at a booth at this year's National Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference. We'll join community leaders, organizers, and neighbors of more than 8,000 park and recreational organizations as we come together in Indianapolis, IN from September 25-27. Our goal is to help communities learn how to enhance their messages to the public at large.

LED video walls are everywhere today. Some of the largest brands around the globe have incorporated LED video walls into their everyday marketing tactics, creating engaging campaigns that leave a lasting impact. In other situations, civic organizations, municipalities, churches, and schools are using LED video walls in unique and innovative ways.

When people think of marketing, they usually immediately think about the things for-profit businesses do to attract customers. In actuality, every organization - including churches - needs to know how to market itself. After all, marketing leads to larger audiences, and larger audiences help fill in the blanks on budgets.

It's been a busy summer for our Stewart Signs team. We've been ushering new technology, attending industry conferences, and making sure our staff is equipped with up-to-date knowledge, so we can answer any questions our clients may have. Throughout the year, we've noticed a few noteworthy trends in the signage industry.

Whether summer is just starting or winding down, summer-inspired church sign messages are always in season. Here are some awesome ideas to make your congregation and passersby smile with funny church sign messages, and you might even get your church sign shared on social media! Sunny Outlooks on Life Vitamin D is good for the body, mind, and soul.